Idea process for text

  • The ten pound poms were human and so are we
  • The ten pound poms were human so what has changed
  • The ten pound poms were boat people too, were all human
  • Are you too quick to judge
  • Most of us are boat people, were all human
  • Australia was colonised by boat people, and then the ten pound poms were invited here, so why have our perceptions changed?
  • Colonised by boat people and invitations sent to the ten pound pom. so what has changed

Choosing between a black and orange background.

It helps comparing them side by side. Im leaning towards my original idea of orange to keep with the humorous theme.


This is a further accomplished sketch. I added sails and paddles to exaggerate the boat. I like this and will probably scan this image into illustrator and start working with it.

I still need to work our the text at the bottom, how and where to put it but also what to say. For now I have ‘we’re still human’ but I want to work on this.

This sketch is similar to the first image although I used his hands as the inverted commas. I think this makes it more humorous and interacts the figure with the text. It also shows further how it has just become a term that we use, its not actually what asylum seekers are.


After sketching up a few of the possible ideas from the dot points I made, I feel my strengths and passion lies with the ‘boat people’ idea. I am confident with drawing and not so confident dealing with a type based poster at this stage. It was suggested by my peers to exaggerate the boat man to make it more humorous. So after selecting my approach, I will go back to sketching ideas and different ways of representing the boat man.

After discussing the previous 2% idea with Grant he suggested to inverse it so the text was outside Australia to suggest we have all this empty space, yet we still can’t accommodate asylum seekers. I feel this idea further explored could be really successful in conveying asylum seekers coming to Australia.

This idea comments on how only 2% of the worlds asylum seekers come to Australia. This shocked me when I found out and I think that most Australians would think the percentage is a lot higher. So if people realise were only dealing with 2% then perhaps attitudes towards asylum seekers would change and we could be more accommodating.

This would be a type based poster giving focus to the 2%, while fitting all the text inside Australia.

This was my original ‘boat people’ idea. Why do we associate asylum seekers as boat people? It is not illegal to seek asylum so why are our perceptions being shaped to have negative stigma surrounding such people.

Working with the idea of how much it costs Australia to keep asylum seekers in detention compared to assimilating them within the community. I strategically used ‘costs US’ to address that it applies to everyone, that it is our tax dollars funding this.